Friday 25 November 2011

a new dawn, a new day, a new life

Eve Online is immense.

A single sharded online universe of over 7500 star systems, most of which contain planets, moons, asteroid belts, stations, wormholes etc.

Tens of thousands of players all online in the same universe at the same time.

Eve is a sandbox game, and as such you can pretty much go where you like and do what you like, but there are no save points, no pause buttons, the universe is persistent.

There are mutiple professions & activites players can follow; including mining, piracy, manufacturing, trading, exploration, and combat (both player versus environment and player versus player).

Players can choose to specialise in any one area or work at them all - but just because one player chooses to specialise in mining it doesn't mean that another player wont engage him in combat.

Life can be harsh, EVE is no different, the only safe place in EVE is when you are docked in an NPC station - if you are not docked in an NPC station you are liable to be attacked.

I've dabbled in EVE a couple of times - my first attempt didn't last much longer than my first month - the idea of EVE is fantastic, but the learning curve for a complete noob is steep and EVE can be unforgiving.

Six months after quitting EVE the first time, I was back again - this time I hooked up with a UK based corp, enrolled in their training academy and proceeded to learn the basics. In short order I then joined my new corpmates in 0.0 space for some very lucrative mining, interspersed with tedious calls to arms where we were supposed to be defending our system from invaders but which mainly meant mining was restricted and we sat in combat ships waiting for the enemy to appear.

I ended up relocating back into 'safer' empire space, continued mining, started some industry, but got bored and left again.

It's been a couple of years since I was last in EVE - though I have kept up to date with the online newsletters and developments and so earlier this month I signed up both of my accounts again (CCP had an offer on, so 35 days cost only 4.95).

This time I hooked up with a new corp a guy had started on his alt who was offering to show how to make isk from Planetary Interations, promising a more or less passive income stream (10 mins or so of work each day, with 30mins or so once per week). Not a huge income from high sec, but a steady stream is better than nothing.

So far this is bringing me in around 20mil per week - small change to a lot of EVE players, but I only manage to get in game for a couple of hours per day and don't yet have the skills to run the more lucrative missions. And 20 mil per week seems like a huge amount when the most I ever had at anyone time was about 100mil !

But whilst PI may bring in a steady stream of cash, it isn't fun, it isn't exciting - it is just a means to an end, getting me some cash so I can buy ships and equip them. My main guy is training skills to allow him to run more lucrative missions, but in the meantime he can only run L2 missions, which don't bring in much cash - I could train up and go exploring - but I need a better ship and time training for exploration takes away from training time for better missions.

Then I saw a recruitment post from The Black Rebel Rifter Club who are a corp whose sole aim seems to be to have unconstrained fun, largely in Rifters, and the fun is largely blowing up other people's ships (and inevitable having their own blown up).

Rifters are cheap and fun, this sounds like a great idea and what better way to learn combat ?

So Fulgin Jet was born on 9th November 2011 and joined R1FTA on 17th November 2011.

I am currently flying my first Rifter "Black Sunshine" whilst learning some essential skills and working through the introductory level one Epic Arc "The Blood-Stained Stars".

I've not engaged in any PvP yet, but as we are at war with at least a couple of corps at the moment I'm sure my first killmail wont be long - I just hope that it's me doing the killing, not the other way around ;)

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