Friday, 20 January 2012

My last plan for a while

So, I've devised what I thought were good plans in the past - the purpose behind these plans was to get PvP experience (and kills!) which didn't lead to great successes, but did give valuable learning experiences.

Last night I headed into Hek and then Rens looking for War Targets and learned something new...I don't like busy systems, at all.  There were well over 200 players in each of those systems, far too much information for my poor little brain to try and digest and far too much scope for neutral reppers to be lurking around.

Time to stop thinking up plans/schemes etc and to do just go out and do - if I'm out & about, I'm in with a shout, so less thinking, more flying.

I will however have one last plan, blatantly copied from Kirith Darkblade The Rifter Plan!

I plugged all the skills contained in the plan into my skillplanner section of EVE HQ which resulted in a skill training plan for the next 463 days.

I then used the Neural Remap tool in EVE HQ which suggested an optimised remap that would reduce my skill training to only (!) 402 days.

Basically, if you haven't read Kirth Darkblade's blog (you should!), the Rifter Plan trains to the following skills:-

- Electronics V
- Propulsion Jamming V
- Signature Analysis V

- Energy Management V
- Energy Systems Operation V
- Engineering V
- Shield Management V
- Shield Operation V
- Tactical Shield Manipulation V

- Advanced Weapon Upgrades V
- Gunnery V
- Motion Prediction V
- Rapid Firing V
- Shrapshooter V
- Small Autocannon Specialisation V
- Small Projectile Turret V
- Surgical Strike V
- Trajectory Analysis V
- Weapon Upgrades V

- Hull Upgrades V
- Jury Rigging III
- Mechanic V
- Projectile Weapon Rigging V
- Repair Systems V

Missile Launcher Operation
- Missile Bombardment V
- Missile Launcher Operation V
- Missile Projection V
- Rapid Launch V
- Rocket Specialisation V
- Target Navigation Prediction V
- Warhead Upgrades V

- Acceleration Control V
- Afterburner V
- Evasive Manouvering V
- Fuel Conservation V
- Navigation V
- Warp Drive Operation V

- Thermodynamics V

Spaceship Command
- Minmatar Frigate V
- Spaceship Command V

Now obviously all those skills will also stand me in good stead for other ships and I have no doubt that I will deviate from the plan above to try other ships, (but if nothing else I should never have to think "what do I train next?)...well not for 401 days anyway (see the time is coming down already ;) )

1 comment:

  1. I was surprised to find I need 265 days to train these skills to these levels! And here I thought I was a well skilled rifter pilot.

    Added it to Evemon, now I won't ever wonder what to train.
